July 27th, 2018 |
Small businesses believe POS systems are meant for big brands and retailers who have infinite inventory to take care of. However, integration of technology in minuscule aspect of life has changed each process and its reach. While, small businessmen try to cut down incurred costs, a POS system may be mistaken to be an added […]
Read moreJuly 20th, 2018 |
There have been fumes of change engulfing technology and finances altogether, leading to an increased use of plastic cash and offering more revenue opportunities. However tempting it may sound, the truth behind it depicts another story. When it comes to credit card processing for small businesses in the US, 75% of small business merchants find […]
Read moreJuly 13th, 2018 |
Credit Card Processing, is a matter of just a few seconds! But what about the complex picture that works behind multiple steps? Ever thought about it? Or tried understanding it but got confused and left in the middle assuming it’s not your job? Well, dear friend, it may not be a job but is a […]
Read moreJuly 6th, 2018 |
The days of bartering for product & services are no more alive. Also, ‘cash is no longer the king’. What? How is that possible? Are these questions pondering over your mind? If yes, it was expected. Cut all the clutter you are filling your curious mind with and take out a few minutes to carefully […]
Read moreJune 14th, 2018 |
Summery:This content provides insights into merchant account approvals and why some applications get rejected by banks and payment processors. It explains the importance of a merchant service provider in helping businesses accept credit card payments and highlights key reasons for rejection, such as poor credit history, high-risk business classification, unrealistic processing volume projections, and being […]
Read moreJune 1st, 2018 |
Establishing any business takes more than the sweat and blood of the owner. In the technology-driven world, the fact that there are many small businesses throughout America that still do not accept card payments comes as a surprise. Considering the fact that technology has advanced manifold, you need not hinge to the ages-old payment methods. […]
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