December 27th, 2018 |
Be it any business, it is categorized as either high-risk or low-risk. However, in the middle of these two categories is one more category: medium-risk business. Not everyone knows, but explaining medium-risk is the most complex thing. Businesses that deal in card-not-present payments do not come under the high-risk category. However, without the right Chargeback […]
Read moreDecember 12th, 2018 |
Somewhere in the world, a doctor or a healthcare expert is lecturing a patient about staying at bay from their annoying habit of ignoring trouble symptoms that need attention. Much like how patients overlook signs like shortness of breath, pain, or focus problems, businesses often overlook essential tools like merchant services that can streamline operations […]
Read moreDecember 4th, 2018 |
Payment industry is unpredictable and changes in its trends happen at an unprecedented rate. Evolving payment technology is one of the main reasons behind these sudden shifts. However, change in customer behavior and expectations are also the key players. While this results in challenges for the credit unions, it does open up a bag of […]
Read moreNovember 28th, 2018 |
Security technology and the ever-changing habits of customers have made the payment processing industry evolve more quickly than ever. Evolving millennial and Gen Y populations have increased the fame of wallets and mobile payments with biometric authentication. Steal a few minutes and go through this infographic to discover the future of payment processing. Do check […]
Read moreNovember 21st, 2018 |
Online shopping fever has risen in today’s economy, resulting in the setting up of digital shops to accept online payments. Success is extending friendship hands to businesses that are incorporating online payment processing. Feeling like starting? Understand the essentials 3 P’s first: Players — In terms of processing credit and debit cards, there are three […]
Read moreNovember 14th, 2018 |
Consumers expect a lot these days as compared to the gone-by era. Increase and advancement in connectivity has made them more informed, which is the reason behind growing competition among the merchants. Though it seems not-that important at first, accepting payment choices according to customers’ expectations affects the sale in more than usual ways. Credit […]
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