Improve Security With EMV Chip Enabled Cards
August 28th, 2020

Improve Security With EMV Chip Enabled Cards!

Digital transformation has made things easier and more convenient without a doubt. However, with things becoming more open and accessible, there is always a chance for fraudsters and security breaches which make these processes as vulnerable as useful. When it comes to payment processing, security holds paramount importance, and methods that enhance overall security are […]

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Healthcare Payments
August 20th, 2020

6 Ways For An Efficient Healthcare Payment Solution

Do you create software apps for the massive and tremendously growing healthcare industry? If yes, there are a few things or say challenges your customers or patients face, that you must know about. Rather than taking payments from the insurers, healthcare providers earn an appreciable ratio of payments from the patients. If we talk about […]

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Jewelry Store POS System
August 13th, 2020

Tips To Find The Right Jewelry Store POS System

How does a jewelry shop make money? By selling expensive pieces of jewelry! Well, you can say that but there are other ways it makes profits and they are- cleaning, repairing, and engraving the jewelry. If you or someone you know has a jewelry store, taking these profits to new levels is a piece of […]

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How To Lower Your Credit Card Processing Costs
August 6th, 2020

How To Lower Your Credit Card Processing Costs By Leveraging Data?

As a business owner, you understand that payments and payment processing are not so simple. What looks like a few seconds to the customers is actually a complex process involving verification, calculations, and checkpoints. There are several aspects to debit and credit card processing that lie between the merchant and other players. This goes beyond […]

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Payment Processing Guide
July 30th, 2020

Complete Payment Processing Guide For Business Owners

The payment processing engine is driving the online business network. Every second, millions of users across the world make use of online payments by simply clicking a button. However, things are not that simple at the merchant’s end. A whole lot of technology goes into making a digital payment happen in real-time. All this is […]

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Detailed Analysis of Payment Processing Market
July 23rd, 2020

Insights, Opportunities & Challenges Of Payment Processing Markets: A Detailed Analysis Of Key Players!

The payment processing industry is now a major league as far as business is concerned. This has happened as a result of massive digitalization and penetration of supporting disruptive technologies and internet infrastructure. A good number of businesses have now moved online and are conducting their business affairs there, necessitating a need for efficient and […]

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