Payment Processing, COVID-19
April 1st, 2020

COVID-19: Keep Your Business Going & Customers Coming Through Our Payment Processing Solutions

COVID-19, the global outbreak has hit the world like anything and how long it will continue its wrath seems unpredictable. With lockdown limiting everyone’s move, meeting everyday needs is no longer as easy as it was. Reason? Going out for purchasing purpose can put lives at risk. Moreover, social distancing and quarantine can be made […]

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merchant account services for online gaming business in US
March 26th, 2020

A Definitive Guide On Online Poker Merchant Account Services!

Following suit from other services and activities, a plethora of gaming services too have moved to the internet. The gaming industry offers a wide variety of options for online players. One of the most popular categories in this is card gaming, which includes games like poker, rummy, 5-card draw, and several others. These games can […]

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The best solution for Payment Gateway API
March 20th, 2020

How To Choose The Right Payment Gateway API Service?

The electronic payments industry is on a victory lap. As the number of digital transactions grows exponentially so does the financial technology that makes online payment processing better and smoother. Both e-commerce and payment processing tech are complementary to each other as one fuels another’s growth. Dawn of new technologies such as Payment Gateway API, […]

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The Top Trends of Merchant Services
March 13th, 2020

The Future Top Trends of Merchant Services!

Thanks to the e-commerce boom, everything is available online now with a mouse click and the press of a button. Why bother to move out of your home when everything gets delivered to the doorstep these days? But that’s not what we’re discussing. Merchant services, the ones which facilitate electronic payment processing from behind the […]

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Credit card processing fee
March 6th, 2020

The Essentials of Credit/Debit Card Processing Fees

We live in the digital era. We live, eat and breathe digital. Everyday hundreds of millions of users buying stuff online and in retail shops, swipe, dip or tap their credit cards at stores or simply key-in their details online at payment checkout pages after selecting their purchases. Card transactions are indispensable for any business, […]

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eCheck Services
February 26th, 2020

Checklist of eCheck API Requirements

The world is a tech savvy giant ever hungry for new technologies. The e-commerce sector has seen a tremendous growth and seen more changes than expected. In a series of technological changes, mode of payments have constantly morphed their shape for the convenience of clients. Electronic checks are fast catching up, they work like regular […]

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